
Elephant Tells Your Age

 A Newfoundlander living in Toronto decided to visit the Scarborough zoo.
While there, he saw a man with an elephant act.
The man claimed the elephant could look at a person and tell that person's age.
The trainer had the elephant look at a small boy.
The elephant stamped its foot 9 times.
"Is that right?" he asked the boy.
"Oh yes", said the boy.

The Newfie was very skeptical and said so, in no uncertain terms. Finally, the trainer could take it no longer, and offered to bet the Newfie that the elephant could look at him and tell him his age.

The Newfie accepted the wager.

The elephant looked very closely at the skeptic, then turned around, raised his tail and broke wind like you wouldn't believe. Then he turned back around and stomped his foot twice.

The Newfie stumbled back, amazed, and with a sound of disbelief in his voice, cried, "Lard tunderin' Jaysus b'y, he's right!!!!  I'm farty-two!"
Submitted  6/12/2014 11:40:13 AM